Sonam Kapoor was spotted with her hair waved, deep red lips and shimmer dress which looked as a century later style. The jazz style fashionsta wardrobe has been set up again. Therefore, we decided to get the best 20’s make up with our expert Celine Prunevielle from Jean- Claude Biguine and Sonam’s personal stylist Pernia Qureshi who will help us to get the best twenties look.
The Attire: The first step should be to decide what to wear. There are certain brands like Jean Paul, Gaultier, Marchesa, Lanvin and Alberta Ferreti which are having in-house designs which goes back to twenties. Must keep in mind certain important points while to shop for it:
Go for straight- flowing dress which goes down till your knees with deep V-necks, also the beading and shimmer in entire dress on the fringe even the feather work works well.
Get an added factor with lace headband, hat or wavy hair do. Even you can accessorize yourself with the long necklaces, heavy brooches. When it comes to bags, one must always go for bead studded clutches or minaudieres.
Make Up:
Make up expert Celine Prunevielle will now guide us to get the flawless 1920’s look.
Apply a foundation in your skin tone that gives your complexion a creamy-white look. To let your skin breathe, moisten the sponge before dipping it in the cream foundation.
Eyebrows in the 1920s were all about drama, so go dark and arch your eyebrows slightly downward with an eyebrow pencil or eyeliner that is darker than your brow color.
Rub blush into the apples of your cheeks, and blend away the hard edges.
Apply a dark grey-based eye shadow from lash line to crease. Use liquid gel liner to add more drama and give a nice shape to the eyes.
Use waterproof black kohl eyeliner on bottom lash lines.
Then apply the blackest black mascara to the top and bottom lashes. You can also use fake lashes to add volume.
Deep reds and browns are the way to go, the fire-engine red being most popular.
Deep reds and browns are the way to go, the fire-engine red being most popular.
Use a dark-red lip liner to perfectly outline the Cupid's bow on your top lip. Draw both upper and bottom lips as shorter on the sides.
Fill the new lip shape in with pencil before layering matching lipstick over it.
And before you leave…clean up any smudging messes with a cotton swab. Better still; carry a few in your purse.
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